
What is the meaning of "Yafah At Rayasi k'Sirtzeh"?


Rashi citing Sifri: Hashem praises her - you, My companion, are beautiful when you are pleasing to Me.


Seforno: Hashem says, now, when building Bayis Sheni, do not return to remove My Shechinah from you. Now you are beautiful via the Chachmah of Anshei Keneses ha'Gedolah.


Malbim (Melitzah): The supreme Beloved tells Nefesh Shlomo, you are beautiful via your deeds being accepted and your sins were atoned for.


Malbim (Mashal): Since you became pleasing to me a second time, my desire returned to you.


Why does it say "Navah ki'Yrushalayim"?


Rashi 1 : You are beautiful now like initially, [when you built the Beis ha'Mikdash] in Yerushalayim.


Seforno: You are beautiful like the first Yerushalayim, which was Ir ha'Tzedek; there, there were chairs for Mishpat.


Malbim (Melitzah): You are beautiful like Yerushalayim - the entire body and its multitude of powers - this is the metaphorical Yerushalayim and its daughters. You are equal to all of them, and you are primary in My eyes.


Malbim (Mashal): You are beautiful like all of Yerushalayim, like all its [nearby] villages.


According to Perush Rashi Mefurash.


What is "Ayumah ka'Nidgalos"?


Rashi: Troops of kings - I will put fear of you on them, lest they fight and cease work [building Bayis Sheni], like it says in Ezra (4:4).


Seforno: This is like Alexander Mukdan, [who bowed to] Shimon ha'Tzadik (Yuma 69a). Everywhere, you will be like the legions of Yisrael.


Malbim (Melitzah): You are feared like multitude of [army] camps. From the Torah and good deeds that you engaged in, stood a legion of Kedoshim and angels of Shalom that stand around you to guard you in all your ways; a stranger will not approach you [Malbim (Mashal) - amidst fear].

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