
Having stated "Lo Se'achel Chametz", why does the Torah add "Lo Se'afeh Chametz"?


Ramban: To compare all the Melachos to the baking, 1 to include the kneading of the dough and the arranging in the prohibition of Chametz. 2


Seeing as the Torah already wrote - in Vayikra 2:11 "Kol ha'Minchah ... Lo Se'aseh Chametz", incorporating baking (Menachoa, 55b).


Inasmuch as each one is subject to Malkos indipendently.


Why does the Torah juxtapose "Chelkam" to "Lo Se'afeh Chametz"?


Rashi, Ramban (citing Menachos, 55a) and Targum Yonasan: To prohibit the Kohanim from even eating their portion (the Shirayim) as Chametz. 1


See also Ba'al ha'Turim.


Why does the Torah juxtapose "Chelkam" to "Nasati osah me'Ishai"?


Ramban (citing the Sifra) and Moshav Zekenim: To prohibit the Kohanim from eating the Shirayim before the Kometz has been brought on the Mizbe'ach.


What are the implications of the word "me'Ishai"?


Sifra: It implies that the Kohanim are not even permitted to distribute the Shirayim before the Kemitzah has been placed on the Mizbe'ach. 1


Refer to 6:10:4:1.


Why does the Torah insert (the otherwise superfluous) phrase "Kodesh Kodashim hi"?


Ramban (citing the Sifra): To incorporate all Kodshim in the Isur of distributing the Basar before the Emurim have been placed on the Mizbe'ach. 1 (The word "Hi" however, teaches us that Bedi'eved, if they did, the Korban is still valid - Sifra).


Panim Yafos: Since it is unreasonable to distinguish Kodshim Kalim from Kodshei Kodashim. The Gemara in Pesachim 59b learns other Kodshim from "ve'Hiktir"?, and afterwards "ve'Hayah ha'Chazeh le'Aharon"! We cannot learn from Menachos, for if the Kometz was lost or became Tamei, the Shirayim are forbidden, but if Eimurim were lost or became Tamei, the meat is permitted! Rather, our verse teaches that Kohanim acquire their share after Haktarah.


Why does the Torah compare the Minchah both to a Chatas and to an Asham?


Rashi: The Minchas Chotei (of an Oleh ve'Yored) is compared to a Chatas, inasmuch as, if the Kohen performs the Kemitzah she'Lo Lishmah, it is Pasul; The Minchas Nedavah, on the other hand, is compared to an Asham which is Kasher she'Lo Lishmo.


Ramban (citing the Sifra): In order to teach us that a Minchah like a Chatas, must come from Chulin, be brought by day and performed with the right hand. 1


The Ramban does not explain why the Minchah is also compared to an Asham?

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