
What is the significance of touching the coal to his mouth?


Radak: This removed the sin with a scald. From now and onwards, Yeshayah may talk.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: This is a metaphor. He arranged in my mouth words of prophecy. Malbim - this is like "Nasati Devarai b'Ficha" (Yirmeyah 1:9).


For what sin did Yeshayah need atonement?


Radak citing Yevamos 49b: He reviled Yisrael, and said "I dwell among a nation of Tamei lips" (5).


Malbim: "I am a man of Tamei lips" (5), i.e. he refrained from rebuking. The Kaparah is via touching the coal to his mouth, i.e. he will be Hashem's Shali'ach for Nevu'ah and rebuke.

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