What is the meaning of "Lifnai"?
Rashi: It is in front of the Devir, towards the outside.
Radak: The prefix Lamed in Lifnai and (in verse 16) li'Dvir does not mean 'towards', rather, it denotes the direct object (like Es), like "Hargu l'Avner (Shmuel II, 3:30), "veha'Shelishi l'Avshalom" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 3:2), "ul'Chilai Lo Ye'amer Shu'a" (Yeshayah 32:5). Panai with a Patach at the end is an adjective; it refers to something standing in front. This is like "Mochi'ach Adam Acharai" (Mishlei 28:23).