
How is Mishpat far from us?


Rashi: We screamed about extortion of our enemies, and Hashem does not judge to take vengeance.


Radak: These verses, until "va'Yar Ki Ein Ish" (16), are the Navi's words to Bnei Galus. It extended due to the sins of the fathers and sons. Most of Yisrael did not return from the first Galus. Yirmeyah said on behalf of Bnei Galus "Avoseinu Chat'u v'Einam va'Anachnu Avonoseihem Savalnu" (Eichah 5:7). David said on behalf of them "Al Tizkar Lanu Avonos Rishonim" (Tehilim 79:8). Since they did much evil, we are still in Galus. Elokim judges us Midah k'Neged Midah. They distanced Mishpat, Tzedakah and Shalom, therefore Mishpat is far from us.


Malbim: The reward that Hashem pays according to the deed and merit is called Mishpat. What Hashem gives due to Chesed is called Tzedakah. Mishpat is far from us, for we lack merit.


Why does it say Tzedakah does not reach us?


Rashi: The good consolations that we were promised, they do not come on us.


Radak: It is Hashem's Midah to punish sons for their parents' sins when the sons continue in them.


Malbim: Even though Tzedakah is not limited based on man's deeds, so we cannot say that it is far from us. It pursues a man even when he is not worthy! However, even though it chased us, it did not catch us, for we flee from it and do not want to dwell in its shade.


When do we hope for light?


Radak: Salvation is light. However, there is darkness and Galus. The matter is repeated in different words.


What does the verse say about Negohos?


Rashi: We hope for them (light), but [it does not come, and] we go in darkness.


Malbim: If we cannot have proper light, at least we hope for light of the moon and stars, which is even at night. However, "ba'Afelos Nehalech"- there is no light at all. This is worse than Choshech.

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