
What is "Tzif'oni"?


Rashi: It is an evil species of snake.


What is the significance of "Bike'u"?


Rashi: They hatched. I.e. they did repulsive deeds not for their benefit.


Radak: Their thoughts and deeds are compared to snake eggs. When they hatch, snakes come out. So their thoughts are evil and their deeds are evil. Just like a chick in an egg] uses its beak to puncture and cleave the shell, bit by bit until it leaves, so they constantly distract their hearts with evil thoughts, until they carry them out in deed.


What are "Korei Akavish"?


Rashi: They are spider webs. Korei are weaving tools with which the Shesi (warp threads) are covered. Menachem connected this to Koros, for spiders weave their webs on beams. Radak - the webs have no use 1 and endurance. So their deeds will not help them.


Malbim: This is a metaphor for the outcome of the philosophers' investigations. Their assumptions, comparisons and laws [of deduction] are like weaving a spider web. The strands come from the spider's body. So their axioms and assumptions have no foundation, other than the philosopher himself, who fabricated them from his imagination.


The webs trap flies, and the spider eats them! Perhaps Radak means that most webs are ruined before they caught anything; they did not help at all. (PF)


Which egg is discussed here?


Radak: This refers to the snake eggs mentioned above. Just like one who eats snake eggs will surely die, so one who joins to them and their deeds will die 1 .


Malbim: This refers to one who uses the philosophers' outcomes and follows their instructions. He will die spiritually.


Radak: The verse says that if he eats the snake egg, he will die; if he tramples it, an Ef'eh will come out and kill him. So anyone who joins with Resha'im in any way, they will kill him.


What is "ha'Zureh"?


Targum Yonasan: Meshachnan. Rashi - this is an expression of heating. The heat comes out when the shell hatches.


Rashi: Primarily, Zoreh is an expression of Itzur (squeezing), to extract what is swallowed inside - "va'Yazar Es ha'Gizah" (Shoftim 6:38). Here, the Itzur is heating it.


Radak: This is like Zurah with a Kamatz under the Reish. The grammatical form is like "Al Pi Avshalom Haysah Sumah" (Shmuel II, 13:32). There is a Segol in place of the Kamatz, just like "v'Laneh b'Soch Beiso" (Zecharyah 5:4) in place of v'Lanah. This is like [trampling and crushing, like] "va'Tishkach Ki Regel Tezoreha" (Iyov 39:15).


Malbim: He does not eat the eggs, rather, he puts them under a bird so they will hatch and chicks will come out. This refers to one who does not use the philosophers' outcomes, but takes them as axioms for other investigations. An Ef'eh will emerge and damage (mislead) the Rabim, and kill them.


What is "Ef'eh"?


Rashi: It is an evil species of snake (refer to 30:6:3:1). So they will be paid only evil for their deeds.


Radak: It is another name for Tzif'oni. Yonason translates both of them 'snakes Chormani.'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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