
How does Hashem wear Tzedakah?


Radak: This is a metaphor. Hashem has two kinds of Kelim - of Tzedakah and salvation for Yisrael, and vengeance for Nochrim. Those of salvation are a shield, armor and helmet, which hint to protection of Yisrael in Galus and when they will leave, that their enemies will not harm them. The armor and helmet are worn only at the time of war. The salvation will extend from its beginning, until Yisrael will be in their land, and the war of Gog and Magog. The Kelim of vengeance are garments and a robe; a man wears them all the time. The Nochrim will always be servants to Yisrael; Yisrael will rule over their haters. Nochrim will farm Yisrael's fields and vineyards (61:5). This is vengeance for the work that they forced Yisrael to do during the entire Galus.


Malbim: Nevi'im depict Hashem's acts in His garments. Just like an honored person is seen only clothed, Hashem is seen only via His acts. The garments are according to the actions. Mishpat against Nochrim is depicted as war - "v'Yatza Hashem v'Nilcham ba'Goyim ha'Hem" (Zecharyah 14:3). He will make war with His strength. The war against His enemies is depicted as if He dresses like a Gibor going to fight. He wears armor and a helmet to guard from sword and arrow, and he holds a sword and spear to defeat the enemy. Since Yisrael lack merit, Midas ha'Din, which prosecutes against them, can easily defeat them. Tzedakah 1 and Yeshu'ah will shield them - "va'Tosha Lo Zero'o v'Tzidkaso Hi Semachas'hu" (16). Armor protects the body (the Kelim of action). His intent for the general Yeshu'ah will arouse the Tzedakah. A helmet protects the head, the Kli of thought.


Malbim: When verses discuss Hashem's Tzedakah, it is elevated deeds that He does due to Chesed, not due to merit. Just like regarding people, Mishpat refers to deeds due to being Adam (Bein Adam l'Chavero), and Tzedakah is due to being Ben Elokim (Bein Adam la'Makom), similarly regarding Hashem. Mishpat is what He does due to man (reward for his deeds), and Tzedakah is because He is Elokim - His great Chesed. When Tzedakah is mentioned with salvation, it is the general Yeshu'ah to fix the entire world.


What is the significance of "Tilboshes"?


Radak: It is a noun. The noun [like the verb] follows the verb to strengthen the matter, like "va'Yatzam David Tzom" (Shmuel II, 12:16), "u'Ma'alah Ma'al" (Vayikra 5:21) and similar verses.


Malbim: Hashem will not wear the garments of vengeance haphazardly. Rather, they will be fixed apparel.


What is "Kin'ah"?


Rashi: It is zealous anger for His great name.


Malbim: Nekamah is vengeance for harm that the other did in the past. Kin'ah is due to disgrace of his honor and profaning his glory, which is also in the present. It suffices for a Nokem to pay evil in place of evil, even if it is covert. A Mekanei must act openly, so his profaned honor will be revealed. Therefore, Nakam is attributed to Begadim (under the Me'il; they are not seen), and Kin'ah to a Me'il, which is worn on top of other garments.


What is the significance of Bigdei Nakam and Me'il Kin'ah?


Malbim: They show that He does not come only to save, rather, also to take vengeance. Warriors put a sign on their garments if they come only to save, or also to avenge - "Mi Zeh Ba me'Edom Chamutz Begadim" (63:1).

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