
What is the meaning of "Mah Tis'halel Atah ha'Gibor"?


Rashi: Why do you glorify yourself with the evil that you do, you Gibor b'Torah?! Radak - we find that Resha'im do so - "Ki Hilel Rasha Al Ta'avas Nafsho" (10:3). The prefix Hei in ha'Gibor calls to him, like "ha'Kahal Chukah Achas" (Bamidbar 15:15). Do'eg was "Abir ha'Ro'im" (Shmuel I, 21:8) (the greatest Chacham).


Malbim: Why do you glorify yourself with Chesed? You revile 1 Hashem the entire day, via the Chilul Hashem that you did, to kill Kohanei Hashem.


I do not know how he expounds the verse to say so. (PF)


Why did he say "Chesed Kel Kol ha'Yom"?


Rashi #1: He constantly does Chesed to save the one that you pursue.


Rashi #2 (from Shocher Tov 6): Do you think that I would have starved to death had Achimelech not given to me bread?! Hashem's Chesed on Yisrael is the entire day; had he not given to me, others would give to me.


Radak: Your Rechilus to make me fall into Sha'ul's hands will not harm me. Chesed Hashem is with me the entire day. Many times He saved me from Sha'ul, who wanted to kill me. So He will save me now!


Malbim: Refer to 52:3:1:2 and the note there.

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