
What shame did we hear?


Rashi: The Bavliyim revile us, and 'our god overpowers - it destroyed Hashem's house!'


What is the difference between Bushah, Klimah and Cherpah?


Malbim: Bushah is feeling ashamed by himself. Klimah is from others. Cherpah is for a matter, but Klimah can be without reason. We felt Bushah for we heard Cherpah - the Galus and Churban were due to our evil deeds. Even after our Kaparah, there was Klimah, Zarim came to the Mikdash and kept its Kelim and drank from them.


What are "Mikdeshei Beis Hashem"?


Radak: All is included in Beis Hashem. The Dvir (Kodesh ha'Kodoshim), Heichal and Ulam, each is called Mikdash.

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