
Why does it mention "Elokei Yisrael"?


Radak: Hashem will take vengeance of Yisrael from them.


What is the comparison to a granary at the time of threshing?


Rashi: It is full, just like a granary is full of grain at the time of threshing.


Radak: The time came for enemies to trample Bavel, just like a granary at the time of threshing.


Malbim: When Bavel trampled all the nations, it was like a granary full of grain.


What is the grammatical form of "Hidrichah"?


Radak: It is Makor (like an infinitive); there is a Chirik under the Hei. Normally it has a Patach, but sometimes it has a Chirik, e.g. "Ganon v'Hitzil Paso'ach v'Himlit" (Yeshayah 31:5), "Ad Hishmido Osach" (Devarim 28:48).


What is the significance of the time of harvesting?


Rashi: At the beginning of the harvest, the granary is empty. So too, soon Bavel will be empty!


Radak: Plundering is compared to harvesting. Yonason translates like this. Even though harvesting is before threshing, soon all Bavel's cities will be conquered; this is like harvest. Afterwards the city of Bavel will be taken and trampled. Just like they gather the harvest to the granary, so they gathered and brought the best soldiers of all the cities to Bavel, and when [the enemy] will seize it, they will trample it and utterly finish it off.


Malbim: Soon will come the harvest, and [Bavel] will be harvested (consumed)!

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