
What does this Mizmor discuss?


Radak: It is about the day of judgment in the future, when the redeemer comes, like it says in Yo'el (4:1-2) "Ashiv Es Shevus Yehudah vi'Yerushalayim; v'Kibatzi Es Kol ha'Goyim


Why does it say "Kel Elokim Hashem"?


Rashi: Elokei ha'Elokim - Hashem is His name.


Radak: "Kel Elokim" - He is Judge of the judges, and has power over all with ability; Hashem - He exists forever.


What is the meaning of "Diber"?


Radak: He spoke via His Nevi'im, and so He did [like He told them].


What is the meaning of "va'Yikra Aretz"?


Radak: "Va'Yikra" is past tense used in place of future; this is common in Nevu'ah (Radak Yirmeyah 46:23 - for Nevu'ah for the future exists, as if it already came). The same applies to "Hofi'a" (verse 2). He will call all dwellers of the land to come for judgment. He will arouse their hearts to come to Yerushalayim to fight against it with Gog and Magog - "v'Ha'alisicha mi'Yarkesei Tzafon va'Havi'osicha Al Harei Yisrael" (Yechezkel 39:2).


Malbim: The author speaks in the name of Hashem, and calls them to judgment for their deeds.

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