Here it says "David and his men." In Divrei ha'Yamim I, 11:4, it says "David v'Chol Yisrael"!
Radak: Now all Yisrael were his men (he ruled over them).
Who are the Yevusi?
Rashi: They descend from Avimelech. Metzudas Tziyon is called Yevus.
Why did David go to capture the Yevusi now?
Radak: There was a tradition that Tziyon is the head of Malchus Yisrael, and only a Melech over all of Yisrael will conquer it. This was only today; Sha'ul's kingship was not established (permanently).
Malbim: Hashem wanted that the capitol city be on the border between the two previous kingdoms (Binyamin and Yehudah). It is listed on the border of both of them (Yehoshua 15:8, 18:16, 28). The Mizbe'ach was mostly in Binyamin, but part was on a strip that extended from Yehudah (Yuma 12a). Yehudah already conquered their part of Yerushalayim; Binyamin had not conquered their part.
Who said so to David?
Rashi: The verse does not say whom.
Ralbag: In the gate of the city were images of blind and lame [people]. They arranged that they lifted and moved heavy iron rods, so no one could approach. (Perhaps blind and lame people below helped to move them!) A stream came out of its mouth; the flow moved the images and sticks, just like flowing water makes a water mill turn. Malbim - they 'say' that he cannot enter until he removes them.
What is the meaning of "Ki Im Hasircha ha'Ivrim veha'Pischim"?
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Only when you remove the sinners and wicked who say 'David will not come here.'
Radak citing Pirkei d'R. Eliezer 36: Anshei Yevus told Avraham, make a Bris with us that your seed will not dispossess the city of Yevusi, and we will sell to you Me'aras ha'Machpelah; he did so. Anshei Yevus made copper images and erected them in the city square, and the Bris of the Shevu'ah was written on them. These are the images that "have eyes but do not see
What are "ha'Ivrim veha'Pischim"?
Rashi: There were two images - one blind and one lame, based on Yitzchak and Yakov 1 . In their mouths was [written] Avraham's Shevu'ah to Avimelech (not to harm him, his son or grandson). This is why when they conquered Yerushalayim, they did not conquer the fortress. Yehoshua (15:63) "Bnei Yehudah could not dispossess the Yevusi there"; Sifri Re'eh 12:17 - they had the power to do so, but they were not allowed, due to the Shevu'ah 2 .
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The sinners and wicked.