
Where do we find that Ohavei Hashem are like the sun?


Rashi, from Targum Yonasan and Tanchuma Bereishis 6, based on Yeshayah 30:26: In the future, they will radiate 49 as much as the sun does in seven days, i.e. 343 times as much.


Radak: Just like the sun rises and gets stronger, until it is at its peak strength at noon, so Ohavei Hashem get stronger.


Malbim: Clouds do not darken the sun (totally block its light); the same applies to Tzadikim.


Who said that the land was serene for 40 years?


Rashi: It is the author of the Sefer (and not Devorah).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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