
5:22 What is the meaning of "Halmu Ikvei Sus"?


Rashi: The horses' hooves came off 1 , because the star heated the mud; when one cooks feet, the hooves fall off. Due to this, the horses' feet were stricken (Mechilta Beshalach 5).


Radak: The hooves came off because they were running so much in the war.


Malbim: Refer to 5:22:2:3.


Ba'al ha'Turim (15): It says here va'Yaham, just like at Keri'as Yam Suf.


What is the meaning of "mi'Daharos Daharos Abirav"?


Rashi: They made the horses dance in war. This is like "Sus Doher" (Nachum 3:2).


Radak: Dehirah is a horse banging its feet strongly on the ground, whether when running or not when running; the latter looks like dancing. Abirav refers to the horsemen, or the horses.


Malbim: The waves of the river were like mighty [warriors] making their horses dance, to greet Sisera's chariots and horses. These waves removed the horses' hooves.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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