
Why does the Torah write "ve'Im Lo Sasig Yado li'Shetei Sorim ... " and not 've'Im Lo Sagi'a Yado Dei Sh'tei Sorim", like it did by the lamb in Pasuk 7?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because he is Chayav to bring birds ? and not flour 1 ? even if it interferes with his Parnasah. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Because, there is no blood in flour ? as there is in birds ? to make the necessary impression on the sinner to do Teshuvah. See Oznayim la'Torah, who goes on to explain the change of expression "Lo Sasig Yado" instead of "Lo Sagi'a Yado" by the birds.


Refer to 5:7:4:1.


What are the connotations of the word "Ya'aseh Olah ka'Mishpat"?


Rashi: It means like the Din of an Olas ha'Of Nedavah. 1


Targum Yonasan and Chulin, 21b: It means like the Din of the bird that was chosen to be a Chatas (whose Melikah is performed 'Mul Oref'? Chlin, 21b), and not like a Chatas of a bull, lamb or goat. 2


See 1:14-17.


See Peirush Yonasan.


Why does the Torah add "Venislach lo" here by the Korban Dalus and and by the Dalei Dalus, in Pasuk 13, but not by the Korban Ashir?


Oznayim la'Torah #1 (citing commentaries): Because it is the pangs of povety that help to achive the poor sinner's complete forgiveness.


Oznayim la'Torah #2: It is to boost the morale of the poor man, who might otherwise wonder how his meager Korban of a bird or plain flour can possibly bring about his atonement.



Rashi writes that "ka'Mishpat" teaches us that the Olas ha'Of shel Chovah has the same Din as an Olas ha'Of shel Nedavah. This is not like either Tana in Chulin (21a-b)?


Mizrachi: The Tana'im explain like the Din of Chatas Behemah (it is from Chulin money, and it is offered during the day and with the right hand.), or like the Chatas ha'Of (Melikah is done on the back of the neck). Rashi explains like the simple meaning of the Pasuk. 1


Gur Aryeh: It is obvious that Olas ha'Of Chovah is offered in the same way as Olas ha'Of Nedavah, and it is not necessary to write "ka'Mishpat" to teach us that. Therefore Chazal learned additional Dinim from it.


Even though his explanation does not conform to the D'rashos of Chazal when they are far from the simple meaning, like he wrote in Bereishis 3:8.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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