
What is the meaning of "Zos ha'Alah"?


Rashi: Was written in it punishment and vengeance for false oaths.


Radak (2): It seems that this applies to Zecharyah's time. We find in Ezra (9:1) that they had many sins. This curse was for theft and false oaths. Even though theft is not as severe as vain and false oaths, from it one comes to false oaths.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: This is the Shevu'ah that will go out.


Refer to 5:3:2:1*.


Why does it say "ha'Yotzeis"?


Rashi: It left the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim in front of the Shechinah, to go in the land. It left via Pesach ha'Azarah and Pesach ha'Heichal 1 , which were 20 Amos tall and 10 wide. It had the same Midos.


Malbim: The Megilah went out to take vengeance against those who swore falsely. It left Pesach ha'Heichal, for Shlomo prayed "Es Asher Yecheta Ish l'Re'ehu v'Nasa Vo Alah Leha'alaso u'Va Alah Lifnei Mizbachacha ba'Bayis ha'Zeh; v'Atah Tishma ha'Shamayim v'Shafteta Es Avadecha Leharshi'a Rasha" (Melachim I, 8:31-32). I.e. the Alah that one swears to his friend should come in front of the Mizbe'ach, and from there will go out Mishpat against one who swears falsely. Also, it was their way to swear and impose curses in the Beis ha'Mikdash. They would impose curses for theft in the Beis ha'Mikdash "Elef u'Me'ah ha'Kesef Asher Lukach Lachem v'At Alis" (Shoftim 17:2). In hidden matters they imposed Cherem and a curse on anyone who knows and hides the matter. Also in every matter that "Shevu'as Hashem Tihyeh Bein Sheneihem" (Shemos 22:10), the Alah came in front of the Mizbe'ach. Zecharyah saw these curses leave to punish those who swore falsely.


Malbim: All the false oaths that they swore were written on this Megilah. It s dimensions were like Pesach ha'Heichal, to show that they filled the Heichal with their curses.


Why does it say "Al Pnei Chol ha'Aretz"?


Radak: This is Eretz Yisrael.


Is every thief cleansed?


Rashi: Everyone who stole until now.


What is the meaning of "mi'Zeh Kamoha Nikah"?


Rashi: He is cleansed from this punishment, like it specifies. Individuals who transgress the Torah, they were not paid until their measure was full. All were stricken together with the Churban and Galus.


Radak: "Kamoha" is like "Chamocha k'Pharaoh" (Bereishis 44:18), "Kamoni Chamocha" (Melachim I, 22:4). The Megilah had curses on both sides. "Nikah" is being cut off - "v'Nake Lo Anakeka" (Yirmeyahu 30:11). Nikah is Nif'al conjugation. Even though I delayed [punishment] until now, from now and onwards they will receive their punishment, for their time came. Therefore, the Megilah came out.


Malbim: One who stole would swear with [acceptance of] a curse to clear himself [in the eyes of people], and similarly for other matters.

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