
Is this connected to what was mentioned above?


Radak: Yes. Now it explains the command to divide the hair into three parts (2).


Malbim: This explains how Hashem will add to the three punishments mentioned in verse 10. (a) Fathers will eat children - plague will be added ("ba'Dever Yamusu uva'Ra'av Yichlu"). This is inside the city. (b) "V'Asisi Vach Shefatim" - "ba'Cherev Yiplu Sevivosayich", Bavel's army will kill them outside the city., like it said above (2) "Takeh va'Cherev Sevivoseha." (c) "V'Zarisi Es Kol She'erisech l'Chol Ru'ach" - "l'Chol Ru'ach Ezare v'Cherev Arik Achareihem."

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