
What is the meaning of "your Aveiros tilted these"?


Rashi: They tilted these Chukim from off of you - they are not guarded for you, and you will perish from hunger.


Radak: You should have said that your Aveiros brought these evils on you because when you did Hashem's will, He gave to you rain in its time, and all your matters went properly. Your Aveiros held back these benefits and brought these evils on you!


Malbim: They caused Hashem to change the natural Chukim of Katzir for our evil.


Why does it mention Avon and Chet?


Malbim: Avon is done via denial and Mezid. Chet is via desire or Shogeg. The former is greater, therefore Hashem actively punishes for them; He changes nature for our evil. For Chet, He merely withholds good, i.e. rain via Hashgachah.

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