
What is the meaning of "Achalei Adoni Lifnei ha'Navi"?


Rashi: This is like "va'Ychal Moshe" (Shemos 32:11). The requests of all who pray for him should be that the miracle come in front of the Navi.


Radak: The supplications and requests of my master should be in front of the Navi.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is good for my master if he will go in front of the Navi.


Malbim: If he will direct his prayer in front of the Navi. The expression of 'Chalah' regarding prayer shows appeasing one's colleague and removing anger. It is always tied to the word 'Panim', e.g. "Chal Es Pnei Hashem" (Melachim I, 13:6); he calms the fury and angry countenance.


Why was she sure that this would heal his Tzara'as?


Radak: The Creator does miracles through him.


Malbim: The Tzara'as is via Hashgachah. Cures will not help, only Tefilah.

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