
Why did he say "Asher Amadti Lefanav"?


Radak #1: I regular stand in front of Him and pray in front of Him and serve Him in my heart.


Radak #2: I regularly stood in front of Eliyahu. It is as if it says 'Chai Hashem v'Chai Eliyahu, Asher Amadti


Why did Elisha refuse to take it?


Rashi (from Tanchuma Metzora 1): Money of idolatry was mixed with it.


Malbim: According to letter of the law, it was forbidden to cure him 1 . It was permitted only for the sake of Kidush Hashem. Elisha could not take money, since he did so only for Kidush Hashem.


YD 158:1: It is forbidden to heal idolaters, unless needed to avoid enmity.

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