
What is the meaning of "Tavo Ad Dor Avosav"?


Rashi: When your days finish and you die, you will come and see the generation of Resha'im judged in Gehinom.


Radak: The Rasha should have benefited his Nefesh, but he did not. Therefore, that Nefesh will go to the Nefashos of his ancestors who were Resha'im like him, and it will perish with their Nefashos.


Malbim: If you will come to the generation of his fathers (of one whose honor will not follow him), you will see that "they will never see light."


Who will never see light?


Rashi: Resha'im being judged in Gehinom.


Radak: Nefashos of Resha'im - they are unlike Nefashos of Tzadikim, which see light when their bodies die. It is the light of life; they live eternally.


Malbim: Refer to 49:20:1:3

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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