What is the meaning of "Yotzeri mi'Beten l'Eved Lo Leshovev Yakov Elav"?
Radak: Hashem formed me to be His servant to make Yakov repent, via my rebuke.
What is the meaning of "v'Yisrael Lo Ye'asef"?
Rashi: They will not repent to Him.
Radak: This is said in astonishment - will they not gather to serve Him?!
Malbim: Yisrael are at a higher level. They need not repent. The Navi should gather them to serve Hashem together, as one.
Why does it say that he is honored in Hashem's eyes?
Radak: He will inform me of His secrets and future matters to come.
Malbim: This was because I made great efforts to return Yisrael.
How was Hashem his strength?
Radak: They could not harm me.