
Why does it say "Gam Lo Shamata"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: You did not heed the words of My Nevi'im. You did not even accept the teaching of Torah. Even the Brachos and curses that I established with you at Sinai, you did not lean your ear [to hear them].


Radak #1: This is connected to the previous verse.


Radak #2: This is not connected to the previous verse. It is a rebuke. Also, you did not hear what I commanded. I.e. you did not accept 1 .


Malbim: He retracts to say that all of these strategies will not help. Even though you did not hear from a Navi the miracle that I want to create Yesh me'Ayin, and it is beyond human understanding. The senses cannot perceive it. I know that even if I will do this great miracle, you will not open your ear to hear My words at all.


Radak: This Perush is correct.


Why does it say "Gam Lo Yadata"?


Radak: You veered the Mitzvos from your heart and forgot them - you did not know them!


Why does it say "Gam me'Az Lo Pitecha Aznecha"?


Radak: This was not the beginning of your betrayal. Also from past generations, your ear was not open to hear My words.


What is the grammatical form of "Pitecha"?


Radak #1: It is passive (it was not opened). The Chirik is in place of a Shuruk. The same applies to "u'Fitechu She'arayich" (60:11), "Pitach ha'Semadar" (Shir ha'Shirim 7:3).


Radak: It is Po'el Omed 1 (the action applies only to the subject; the ears are not open).


Radak: This Perush is correct.


What is the significance of knowing that they will betray?


Rashi (citing Tanchuma): When I descended to save you from Egypt, I knew that in the end, you will betray. Even so, I fulfilled the Shevu'os to the Avos - "Ra'o Ra'isi Es Oni Ami" (Shemos 3:7). I saw two matters - in the end they will betray, and even so, I see the affliction of My nation.


Malbim: If your lack of Emunah until now was due to folly and lack of knowledge, this strategy to create Yesh me'Ayin would help. However, I know that your lack of Emunah is not due to lack of knowledge. You know the Emes, that the idol and nature do not do this. Rather, you betray.


Why does it say "Bagod Tivgod"?


Radak: In every generation, there are betrayers in you.


Did they sin from the womb?


Rashi: From when you were in Egypt (which was like the pregnancy before the birth of Yisrael) - "va'Ivada Lahem b'Eretz Egypt; ... va'Omer Aleihem" (Yechezkel 20:5, 7).


Radak #1: From when you were a nation to Me. Also in the Midbar you were Poshe'a several times. Sinning once is not called Poshe'a, only if he does so repeatedly.


Radak #2: A Rasha has some of his Midos from the nature of his formation - "Zoru Resha'im mi'Rachem Ta'u mi'Beten Divrei Chazav" (Tehilim 58:4). The same applies to a Tzadik - "b'Terem Etzarcha va'Beten Yedaticha" (Yirmeyah 1:5).


Malbim: Because you know the Emes, that the idol and nature do not do this, yet you betray, it is proper to say that you sin from the womb. It is as if your nature from the time of pregnancy causes you to sin and rebel.

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