
What do we learn from "Shamata Chaze Kulah"?


Rashi: You heard the first [miracles] that I foretold - see that all of them came!


Radak: You heard the decree [Sancheriv's fall] like I made you hear - see that it came totally!


What should you testify?


Rashi: That not one of My words was not fulfilled.


Radak: That the decree came - will you deny what you saw with your eyes?!


Malbim: Even though you heard the Nevi'im predict the wonders, you say "my idol did them; my image commanded them" (5).


What is the meaning of "Hishmaticha Chadashos me'Atah [u'Netzuros v'Lo Yedatem]"?


Rashi: Now I return to publicize matters that are new to you. They were always revealed to Me, and guarded in My storehouse; you did not know them.


Radak: I told you from now new matters that will come, i.e. the destruction of Bavel.


Malbim: Because you attribute the previous miracles to nature, or to the idols, I need to inform you of new miracles, that nothing like them ever happened. They are guarded in My heart - I never revealed them to a Navi, and you did not know before they came.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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