
What are "Charavos"?


Malbim: They are Chorev (dry) places.


It seems that the verse discusses returning from Bavel. Why does Sefer Ezra not mention these miracles?


Mahari Kara: This discusses miracles that Hashem did for Yisrael when they left Egypt 1 . He will later redeem you from Bavel.


Mahari: This is a metaphor. Even though Olei Bavel were poor, Hashem supplied their needs as if water flowed from a rock...


Kli Paz: From the creation of the world, Hashem knew the path on which Yisrael will return from Bavel, therefore he arranged that there will be water there for them.


Malbim: Amidst telling of the return from Bavel, the Navi mentions splitting the sea and Yarden for Yisrael when they left Egypt.


Perhaps a support is that the previous verses are in the future or commands, and this verse is in the past. (PF) Radak left this question difficult.

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