Why is "Ani" repeated?
Rashi: I redeemed Yisrael from Egypt, and I will redeem all of Yisrael from the last Galus and from the four corners of the land.
Radak #1: It is to strengthen the matter.
Radak #2: I was, and I will be.
Whom did Hashem call?
Rashi: Koresh.
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: He called Avraham. This Keri'ah (calling) is grandeur, to be My designated, like "Keru'ei ha'Edah" (Bamidbar 1:16).
Radak: I called Koresh by name. It is as if it says Karasi li'Mshicho.
Malbim: I called [Koresh] to go to war.
Why does it say "Havi'osiv"?
Malbim: I brought him to the city of Bavel.
How did he succeed?
Malbim: He destroyed Bavel. This was not due to nature or the Ma'arachah, only due to Hashem's decree.