
What is the meaning of "Haskiruhu"?


Rashi: Make [Mo'av] drink the poisoned cup [of wine] until it is inebriated.


Radak: [The enemies should] intoxicate [Mo'av with the cup of anger].


What is the meaning of "Ki Al Hashem Higdil"?


Radak: When they saw the affliction of Yisrael, they raised their mouth (spoke haughtily) against Yisrael and Hashem; they said that He cannot save them.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They spoke haughtily against the nation of Hashem. This is like "Cherefu va'Yagdilu Al Am Hashem Tzevakos 1 " (Tzefanyah 2:10).


Malbim: We learn from "Shamati Cherpas Mo'av


What is the meaning of "v'Safak Mo'av b'Ki'o"?


Radak: Because it portrayed Mo'av as s Shikur (someone drunk), it says that just like a Shikur wallows and turns over from side to side when he vomits 1 the wine that he drank, and his body strikes the ground, so [Mo'av] will do from its great afflictions.


Malbim: Mo'av will be like one who is very drunk, and vomited his wine, and afterwards is in Safek if it is his vomit or wine, and he returns to drink his vomit, and all laugh at him. This is a parable for a nation exiled from its land, and afterwards returned to it and hid in the cities, and was expelled from there a second time. It is as if the land swallowed its vomit, and vomited it a second time.


Radak: Ki'o is a noun [with the suffix 'o'], like Rivo and Dino.


Why does it say "Gam Hu"?


Rashi: Just like [the fall of] Yisrael was laughter to [Mo'av, so others will laugh at Mo'av]. Radak - people will laugh at Mo'av like they laugh at a Shikur.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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