
What do we learn from "u'Minchah Eifah la'Ayil"?


Radak: It seems to me that Minchah ha'Ayil must be an Eifah. "Mitas Yado" applies only to the lambs.


Malbim: The Minchah for a ram is an Eifah for all the days of Chinuch.


What do we learn from "Mitas Yado"?


Rashi: The Menachos are not Me'akev each other. (He offers as many as he can, even if it is less than the obligation.)


Malbim: He brings a sixth of an Eifah for each lamb. This is the Shi'ur that people give to the Nasi from a Chomer of wheat - "Shishis ha'Eifah me'Chomer ha'Chitim" (45:13). The Shi'ur of Terumah is the Shi'ur of a Minchah for a lamb. Verse 14 says that he brings a sixth of an Eifah per lamb; verse 7 says that he brings like he can. This is like we explained.

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