From where did he bring him?
Malbim: Until now he was in Ezras Yisrael, by the north gate (44:4). Now he left via the north gate, and came to the Mavo (refer to 26:19:2:2).
What is "Mavo"?
Rashi: It is the Amah in the corner of Beis ha'Chalifos, via which people enter the space of 20 [Amos] between the chambers in the north and the cells of the Heichal.
Malbim: It is the path that goes from Kesef ha'Sha'ar, i.e. the path of 10 Amos, which is the entrance from the east to the west, in front of Lishkos ha'Chamishim.
Where is "Kesef ha'Sha'ar"?
Rashi: It is the flank of the north gate, from the gate to the west.
Radak: What is in back of the gate is called Kesef.
Why does it say "ha'Lishkos ha'Kodesh"?
Radak: We find the prefix Hei ha'Yedi'ah (to identify) even when a word is Samuch (a compound noun), e.g. "ha'Mamlachos ha'Aretz" (Yirmeyah 25:26).
Malbim: These are Lishkos ha'Esrim, which received Kedushah Azarah.
Why does it say "El ha'Kohanim"?
Radak: They will be to the Kohanim, like it says "Asher Yochelu Sham ha'Kohanim" (42:13).
Why does it say "ha'Ponos Tzafonah"?
Rashi: They have openings to the side of Chatzer ha'Chitzonah in the north, and they had openings to the space of 20.
Radak: This is like it says above "u'Fischeihem la'Tzafon" (42:4).
Where is "ba'Yarchasayim Yamah"?
Rashi, Targum Yonasan: It is at the end of the chambers, to the west. Radak ? this is like "ul'Yarkesei ha'Mishkan Yamah" (36:27), i.e. in the west corner.