
What are "ha'Zalim Zahav mi'Kis"?


Rashi: This is an expression of [flowing, like] "Yizlu Mayim" (Tehilim 147:18).


Radak: Zalim it is an expression of cheap. Even though gold is dear, they make idols from it like something cheap, and they take much [gold] from their wallets [for the sake of the idols].


R. Yonah (Mishlei 1:14): Kis is partnership, is like "ha'Zalim Zahav mi'Kis" (Yeshayah 46:6). Also Chazal said 'two who put into a Kis' (Kesuvos 93b).


Malbim: This corresponds to "Yiskeru Tzoref." He pays the smelter with gold coins that are spent and put in the wallet.


On what Kaneh do they weigh?


Radak: It is the bar of a balance scale. Malbim


Why does it say "Yisgedu Af Yishtachavu"?


Radak: This is bowing more than Yisgedu, like I explained "Yisgod Lo v'Yishtachu" (refer to 44:17:2:2). This is why it says "Af 1 " (even).


Malbim: Sigud is merely for a Segulah; they think that the idol helps to bring influence. It is not for divinity (bowing to his god). Hishtachava'ah is for divinity. They hired the worker, and gave the silver to make the idol


Radak's first Perush there said that the matter is repeated in different words. If so, why does it say "Af"? (PF)

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