
What is the grammatical form of "Hovishah"?


Radak: It is Po'el Omed (the action applies only to the subject). The same applies to "Hovishu Ikarim" (Yo'el 1:11) and similar verses. Bas Mitzrayim will be shamed when it is given to the nation of the north, i.e. Bavel. Initially they expelled the Bavliyim from [their siege] against Yerushalayim (refer to 47:1:2:1), and now they are given into their hands (Malbim - they will be slaves to them). It is proper that Egypt be ashamed! 1


Radak: Sometimes it is Po'el Yotzei (acts on others), e.g. "Hovashta ha'Yom Es Pnei Kol Avadecha" (Shmuel II, 19:6).

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