What did Yaakov mean when he said, "Amusah ha'Pa'am!"?
Rashi #1 (citing Onkelos): Were I to die now, I would be comforted, since I saw your face, because you are still alive.
Rashi #2 (citing the Midrash 1 ), and Targum Yonasan: 'I had thought... that Hashem would hold me accountable for your death! Now that you are still alive, I will die only once [- in this world, but not in the World to Come].' 2
Seforno: This was a request that, unlike all the salvations that he went through which were followed by other Tzaros, this should be the last salvation he needed before he died.
Gur Aryeh: Why does Rashi cite the Midrash as well? According to the simple explanation, the verse should not have been worded "Amusah ha'Pa'am" - "I shall die this time;" but rather, 'Ilu Mati,' 'Were I to die, etc.' The verse's wording fits better with the Midrashic explanation.