
Why does it say "ul'Nasi mi'Zeh umi'Zeh li'Srumas ha'Kodesh vela'Achuzas ha'Ir"?


Rashi: At the end of the Parashah, he divides Eretz Yisrael from east to west into 13 strips ? 12 for the Shevatim, and one is for Terumah. The last includes the three strips mentioned above. It extends past the 25,000 of the other strips until the border of Eretz Yisrael in the east and west. This excess will be for the Nasi. Malbim ? its length is 25,000 (north to south, opposite the width of the three strips), like the length (east to west) of the Shevatim's portions.


Radak: The Nasi's portion will extend 25,000 from north to south, like the portions of the Shevatim. It will be after (east and west of) Terumas ha'Kodesh and Achuzas ha'Ir.


What do we learn from "El Pnei Terumas ha'Kodesh v'El Pnei Achuzas ha'Ir"?


Rashi: It is equal to the width of the three strips separated for Terumas ha'Kodesh ? of the Kohanim, Leviyim and Achuzas ha'Ir.


Radak: This explains what it said above li'Srumas and vela'Achuzas. The prefix Lamed means El (to) the eastern and western faces.


What is the meaning of "mi'Pe'as Yam Yamah"?


Rashi: From the west 1 of Terumas ha'Kodesh and the city until the western border [of Eretz Yisrael].


Refer to 41:12:3:1*.


What is the meaning of "umi'Pe'as Kedemah Kadimah"?


Rashi: From the east of Terumas ha'Kodesh and the city until the eastern border [of Eretz Yisrael].


What is the grammatical form of "l'Umos"?


Radak: This is like l'Umas with a Patach under the Mem. Umas has the same grammatical form as Subal - "Ol Subalo" (Yeshayah 9:3); Umas has the same grammatical form as "Gumatz" (Koheles 10:8).


What is "Achad ha'Chalakim"?


Radak: The portion of one of the Shevatim.

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