
Which strip does this discuss?


Rashi: This is another strip, south of the previous (of Kohanim), for the needs of the Leviyim. So it says at the end of the Sefer.


What is the significance of the size of the strip?


Radak: It is the same measure given to for Kohanim and the Mikdash together, for also Leviyim serve the Bayis ? they are gatekeepers and singers. Malbim ? Leviyim are a lower level. They do not serve Hashem, rather, they serve the Bayis. This includes Kohanim who will be Pasul for Avodah ? also they are called "Mesharesei ha'Bayis" (44:13).


What do we learn from "Lahem la'Achuzah"?


Malbim: They will receive it as an inheritance; they can plant fields and vineyards, if they want.


What are the 20 chambers?


Rashi: They are around the Mikdash to guard the Bayis and for beauty. The rest of the strips will be for their needs.


Radak: They are near the Kohanim's inheritance, for the gatekeepers to dwell in, so they will be close to the Bayis 1 .


Malbim: The Leviyim's inheritance will be divided into 20 portions ? each will be a city of Leviyim. Initially, there were 42 cities and six [special] Arei Miklat, which were for Kohanim and Leviyim.


Since the Bayis is in the middle of the Kohanim's strip, even if the chambers are directly south of it, they are about 15 Mil away. It takes at least four and a half hours to walk this far! Perhaps they will go quickly in wagons, or people will walk faster in the future. (PF) We find that women will give birth every day! (Shabbos 30b)

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