
Why does it say "Min ha'Midah ha'Zos Tamod?"?


Rashi: From Kaneh ha'Midah via which Har ha'Bayis was measured ? 500 [Kanim] by 500, like it says above (42:20).


Radak: The 500 of Har ha'Bayis are amidst the 25,000.


Verse 1 already said that it will be 25,000 long and 10,000 wide. Why is this repeated?


Rashi: Verse 1 did not specify the unit of measure, i.e. Kanim or Amos. Our verse explains that they are Kanim, like were used to measure Har ha'Bayis. Malbim ? above (40:5) explained that a Kaneh is six Amos of six Tefachim each. It turns out the strip was 75 Mil wide and 30 Mil long.


What do we learn from "u'Vo Yihyeh ha'Mikdash Kodesh Kodoshim"?


Radak: The Kodesh mentioned will be in Har ha'Bayis; it is Kodesh Kodoshim. This is the Heichal and Dvir, which is more Kadosh than the Heichal.


Malbim: According to the Kedushah of Terumas ha'Kohanim, the Kedushah of the Mikdash will be Kodshei Kodoshim. It turns out that until the Mikdash, there are five Kedushos one above another. (a) Terumas ha'Nasi is more Kadosh than [the rest of] Eretz Yisrael. (b) The part that pertains to the city is more Kadosh than [the rest of] Terumas ha'Nasi. (c) The Leviyim's portion is more Kadosh [than the rest]. (d) The Kohanim's portion is more Kadosh [than the Leviyim's]. (e) Har ha'Bayis is more Kadosh than all of them 1 .


Malbim: Also after Har ha'Bayis, there are five Kedushos one above another. (a) Chatzer ha'Chitzonah. (b) Chatzer ha'Penimi is more Kadosh. (c) The Ulam. (d) The Heichal. (e) Kodesh ha'Kodoshim. In all, there are 10 levels of Kedushah.

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