
How will Hashem be in front of him?


Radak: My help will go in front of him.


Malbim: Koresh is weak, so I will go in front of him to conquer.


What is the meaning of "va'Hadurim Aishar"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: I will conquer the wall. This is like Hadar; the wall surrounds the city. Radak - the small intestines are called Hadura Dachanta (Chulin 48b), for they are round.


Rashi: Ruined roads, I will straighten them in front of him 1 . Radak - this is a metaphor; when he comes to Bavel, he will not stumble in any matter.


Malbim: They used to make crooked paths in front of the fortified city, lest the enemy be able to approach the gate; the enemy needed to go around. I will straighten the paths!


Why does it mention breaking the doors?


Radak: He will cut them. With My help, he will conquer Bavel, even though its doors are copper and its bolts are iron.


Malbim: In natural conquest, they break the bolts, and afterwards the doors open. I will break the doors, and afterwards the bolts!

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