
What is the meaning of "ha'Osiyos She'aluni"?


Rashi: The Kamatz under the Hei shows that it is not said in astonishment. It means, if you Nevi'im will ask Me, ask Me about the signs in Shamayim and the wonders that you see in the land - what are they? However, about My sons, and the straight acts of My hands, that for them I formed everything - do you come to command Me and complain?!


Radak: This refers to Nochrim. Ask Me about what will come upon Yisrael in the future. I will tell you, unlike your gods, which do not know anything!


Malbim: Now it returns to discuss Ge'ulas Bavel via Koresh. It interrupted to say that Hashem does only good, for those who are prepared for it; evils do not come from Him. Also the Galus and evils that came on Yisrael, Hashem will return them for good and Chesed.


What is "Al Banai"?


Radak: About Yisrael, who are My sons and My handiwork. You command the Nevi'im for Me, to tell you My words, and they will tell you what I will do for My sons. It is in My hands to do, for I created everything.


Malbim: Why do you ask about the Galus and affliction that I brought on Yisrael? Surely the Father has mercy on His children, and will cause that everything will be for their good and benefit!


Why does it say "Tetzaveni"?


Rashi: This is astounding - is it upon you to command [Me] about My sons?! I already created salvation for them, in a thought that came before Me - how I aroused him b'Tzedek (13)! This refers to Koresh.


Malbim: Refer to 45:11:2:2.

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