
Why does it say "Af Zanachta va'Tachlimenu"?


Rashi: Even if You shame us, we will always praise Your name.


Radak: We hope for Your salvation every day. Not only did You not save us. You abandoned us and left us in the hands of the enemies, to do evils to us!


Malbim: Now it says that not only do You not save like before - now the stormy waters passed over our head. We go from bad to worse, and there is no savior. First You abandoned us and shamed us.


How did Hashem shame us?


Radak: We praise You to our enemies, and say that in any case You will save us, and the salvation is far from us. We are shamed in front of them. They say, where are your words, and where is your Savior?


Malbim: Hashem's light (salvation) did not appear for us, like it used to.


Why does it say "v'Lo Setzei b'Tziv'oseinu"?


Radak: We told enemies that You will go out with our troops; they will go with Your help; Tziv'os Bnei Yisrael will leave Galus, just like they left Egypt.


Malbim: Also when we needed to go to war, You are not with us; You abandoned us to chance, to win or lose.

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