
Above (40:4), it says "Re'eh v'Einecha uv'Aznecha Shema v'Sim Libecha." Why here does it mention the heart before the eyes and ears?


Malbim: Above He showed to him the form of the Mikdash. First he must see with his eyes. Here He informs him of the Chukim and Toros ? He mentions first putting to his heart to understand, and afterwards he will see with his eyes that it is so. Afterwards, he will hear with his ears to accept the matters.


What is the consequence of putting to his heart "li'Mvo ha'Bayis b'Chol Motza'ei ha'Mikdash"?


Radak: For each place, only one who is proper for it, should enter. They are at different levels of Kedushah.


Malbim: This teaches that they should close the gate to stop from entering people who are not proper. 'The head of the Ma'amad stood the Temei'im in the eastern gate' (Tamid 5:6). In the future, the gate will always be closed in front of them, i.e. "b'Chol Motza'ei ha'Mikdash" ? all who must leave.

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