
What is the meaning of "Mefer Osos Badim"?


Rashi: Because I stretched Shamayim, I can annul it. Badim are astrologers. They make predictions based on signs in Shamayim. Often they are false, therefore they are called Badim 1 . Bavel's astrologers used to look at the stars - "Ya'amdu Na v'Yoshi'echa Hoverei Shamayim" (47:13). I annul their signs, for I am the One who annulled the signs of Egypt's astrologers.


Radak #1: Since He is Master of all, when He wants, He annuls deeds from Bavel's Chachamim. They were false in their signs, which were of Shamayim - "ume'Osos ha'Shamayim Al Techatu" (Yirmeyah 10:2).


Radak #2: Osos are hours of the day - "v'Hayu l'Osos" (Bereishis 1:14). They did not recognize the evil that will come to them - "Ya'amdu Na v'Yoshi'echa Hoverei Shamayim."


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: Badim is from Badad. Some Neshamos have the ability to isolate and tell the future, and not via Chachmah.


Malbim: [I created and conduct upper and lower beings; so as I want,] I can annul signs in the Mazalos, e.g. if there is a sign that Yerushalayim will not be rebuilt.


Radak: This is like "Badecha Mesim Yacharishu" (Iyov 11:3), i.e. your lies.


Who are "Kosemim"?


Radak: They are seers, like "Bil'am ben Be'or ha'Kosem" (Yehoshua 13:22) - he saw in the stars. BAdim, Kosemim and Chachamim are the same matters in different words.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: They are astrologers.


Malbim: They are people who tell the future via divination. They will seem like jesters and lunatics, for it will not be like they predicted.


How does Hashem turn back the wisdom of Chachamim?


Gitin 56b #1: Aspanyainus asked R. Yochanan ben Zakai why he did not come earlier to greet him. [If the Baryonim did not let you leave, you should have burned the wall -] if a snake is around a barrel of honey, one breaks the barrels to dispel the snake! R. Yochanan ben Zakai was quiet. He should have answered that one removes the snake with tongs and saves the barrel! (We hoped to overcome the Baryonim and preserve the city wall.)


Gitin 56b #2: Aspanyainus told R. Yochanan ben Zakai 'make a request, and I will grant it.' He requested to preserve Yavneh and its Chachamim, not to kill the line of R. Gamliel, and doctors to cure R. Tzadok. He should have asked him to pardon Yerushalayim this time, and not destroy it!


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: These are Chachamim who see the liver and shoulder [and tell the future. Hashem will remove their ability.]


Malbim: These are scientists. They can tell the future based on natural law, e.g. the result must follow the cause. If there is fire, smoke must come. If there are clouds, rain must come. Sometimes they err, and it is not like they said. Then they go back, from result to cause. Why didn't rain come from the clouds? Because there was wind. I will override nature, and they will seek natural causes. They will see that Hashem made them err; there was no natural reason. It is Etzba Elokim.

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