
What is "Charash Barzel"?


Rashi: It is an iron smith.


Malbim: An object's value is based on its substance, form, artisan, purpose, and the means used to form it. The verses also said that the idol's form is folly. "It does not see or know" (9); it does not have the form of intellect or sensation. Its purpose is folly - "it does not help" (10). It is folly based on its artisan - "Charashim Hemah me'Adam" (11). It is folly based on its substance - iron 1 , which is not esteemed (refer to 44:12:2:3).


Malbim: Some made idols from iron, for it lasts. Some made them from wood, which is higher than iron - it is vegetative.


What is "Ma'atzad"?


Rashi: It is one of the smith's tools.


Radak, according to Kli Paz: It is a Kli to cut wood (ax).


Malbim: It is an ax used to quarry iron. Elokus creates others. Other things created the idols!


What is "Pecham"?


Rashi: It is coals.


Why does it say "u'Fa'al ba'Pecham"?


Radak: He uses coals to heat the iron, in order to make the Kli.


Malbim: Do not say that the idol is Chulin until it is quarried and designated for an idol. Also after, fire melts it 1 !


Malbim: Do not say that it is Chulin until it is melted into its form. Also after, "uva'Makavos Yitzrehu" (they make holes in it with chisels to beautify it)!


What are "Makavos"?


Rashi: They are hammers.


What is the meaning of "Yitzrehu"?


Rashi: It is an expression of Tziyur (illustration). Radak - the Yud of the root is 'swallowed' in the Dagesh 1 .


The Yud is of the future conjugation. The Yud of the root is omitted; the Dagesh in the Tzadi compensates for it. (PF)


What is the meaning of "va'Yif'alehu bi'Zro'a Kocho Gam Ra'ev


Rashi: Also the craftsman lacks strength and is weak. If he is hungry, he has no strength. If he did not drink water, he gets tired immediately. All the more so, what he made has no power to help!


Radak: He uses all his strength to make it, for he hopes to get great reward for it. The prefix Beis in bi'Zro'a applies also to Kocho 1 . Amidst his great desire for his work, he does not cease when it is time to eat. He is hungry, and works until he has no strength. Similarly, he is thirsty, and does not cease even to drink. He is tired, thirsty and hungry, and keeps working, amidst his desire!


Malbim: Do not say that it looks like man makes the idol, but really, it makes itself. The craftsman feels that he makes it with his strength, it does not make itself! Do not say that the idol give strength to the craftsman. He sees that his strength is natural - he needs food and water to strengthen himself!


Radak: Alternatively, he uses the Ko'ach of his Zero'a. It is as if it says reversed, b'Ko'ach Zero'o. We find like this - "Makom Sham Kever" (Yechezkel 39:11, is like Makom Kever Sham).

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