
Why does it say "v'Atah"?


Radak: Even though I profane you and strike you for your sins, I will do a great benefit to you. Hear this good consolation.


Malbim: I punished them for the sins of that generation. Your debt was paid. Now is the time to have mercy on "Yevarechecha Hashem v'Yishmerecha" (Bamidbar 6:24), both in Galus, and to redeem you.


What will result from hearing?


Rashi: Yakov will return to My Torah.


Why does it say "Yakov Avdi"?


Radak: You are My servant among the nations, and I chose you from all of them. A good servant, even if he sins occasionally, his master does not expel him. Rather, he afflicts him. In the end, after he is chastised several times and the servant regrets and returns to serve his master, his master will benefit him.


Malbim: Your Avodah is not at the highest level (Yisrael), rather, at the level of Yakov.


Why does it say "v'Yisrael Bacharti Vo"?


Malbim: Regarding My choice of you, you are Yisrael; I will do for you wonders above nature.

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