
What is the meaning of "Pharaoh Chafra"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Broken Pharaoh. The Ches serves in place of a Hei 1 .


Radak #1: It is a nickname for the Pharaoh at that time.


Radak #2: The Ches serves in place of a Hei. This is like Pharaoh, but the last letter is moved to the front. He will be Paru'a (exposed), like "Ki Fera'o Aharon" (Shemos 32:25).


I.e. this is like Hufra (interrupted). (PF)


What is the comparison to Tzidkiyah?


Malbim: Nebuchadnetzar will come until Egypt, and Pharaoh will be closed off in a siege, like Tzidkiyah was. Therefore, when he conquered it, he killed all the residents via his head slaughterer, like he did to Yerushalayim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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