
Why did he say "Ki Atah Elokei Ma'uzi"?


Radak: You used to be my strength from of old. "Why did You abandon me" now?


Above (42:10), he calls Hashem "Sal'i", and says "You forgot me." Why here does he call him "Ma'uzi", and say "You abandoned me"?


Malbim: There it says Sal'i, for it discusses miraculous conduct; it was totally forgotten. Here it discusses protection from the enemy, which can be via nature - Ma'uzi. This was not totally forgotten, just temporarily abandoned - "v'Af Gam Zos bi'Hyosam b'Eretz Oyveihem Lo Me'astim


What is the pressure of the enemy?


Malbim: It is the difficulty of subjugation [under the kingdom].

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