
What is the meaning of "Hotzi Am Iver"?


Rashi: Hotzi is like Lehotzi 1 (to take out) of Galus.


Radak: I said to take out a nation that is like blind and deaf in Galus.


Malbim: The purpose of the entire creation is My honor (7). It will be revealed only via the gathering of exiles and the revelation of Malchus Shamayim and His unity. If so, perforce I prepared the entire existence and fixed it so it will help this happen, that the blind nation will leave and return on the day of Yizre'el.


Radak: It is Makor (like an infinitive).


Why does it say "Am Iver v'Einayim Yesh"?


Rashi: They were exiled because they became like blind people with eyes - they did not see.


Malbim: This is like it says above "Mi Iver Ki Im Avdi say "Cheresh k'Mal'achi Eshlach" (42:19). See what I wrote there (that only one who has preparation to see or hear, and does not, is called blind or deaf).

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