
Why does it Se'irei ay "Lo Kanisa Li va'Kesef Kaneh"?


Rashi: I did not force you to buy cinnamon for Ketores with money. Much was available in your land. Goats and deer used to eat it (Bereishis Rabah 65:7)!


Radak: You did not buy cinnamon for Ketores with money. In Eretz Yisrael it was available only for money, for it comes from a far land - "v'Kaneh ha'Tov me'Eretz Merchak 1 " (Yirmeyah 6:20).


Malbim: I did not obligate you to buy for me cinnamon 2 , which is expensive because it is rare - "v'Kaneh ha'Tov me'Eretz Merchak."


Rashi cited a Midrash that it was available in Eretz Yisrael (refer to 43:24:1:1)! Radak can say that Ketores required good cinnamon, which is found only elsewhere. (PF)


The Torah obligates offering Ketores; cinnamon is one of the ingredients! Perhaps he means that the Torah allows using inferior cinnamon, which was available in Eretz Yisrael for free. Alternatively, we need not offer cinnamon itself; only a small amount was needed for Ketores (less than one part in 40 - Kerisus 6a). (PF)


Does satiation apply to Hashem?!


Radak: This is an anthropomorphism. Malbim - it says "Lo Hirvisani", for only a small part goes on the Mizbe'ach.


Did your sins force Hashem to work?!


Rashi: Yes! You made Me a servant to idolaters. Yechezkel (1:4) saw a storm wind from the north. The Shechinah was returning from Bavel, in order to conquer the entire world for Nebuchadnetzar, lest people say that Hashem handed Yisrael over to a lowly nation (Chagigah 13b).


Radak: I was like a slave who must bear burdens - "Hayu Alai la'Torach Nil'eisi Neso" (1:14). The sins were a heavy burden on Me. The verse depicts Hashem like a slave who cannot lighten his load.


Malbim: Hashem needs to pardon your sins due to your Korbanos, from which He does not benefit.


Why does it say "Hogatani"?


Malbim: This is a higher level of weariness, due to Avonos, which are Mezid.

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