
It says "Lo Al Zevachecha Ochichecha" (Tehilim 50:8). Here, Hashem rebukes Yisrael for not bringing Korbanos!


Rashi: The rebuke is that they did not offer to Me, rather, to idolatry.


Radak: This refers to the days of Achaz. He closes the gates of the Mikdash, and put altars everywhere for idolatry. His son Chizkiyah confessed about this (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 29:6).


Malbim: The verse says that the Olos that you brought were not to Me. I do not need them! You put them on the fire


What is the charge "u'Zevachecha Lo Chibadtani"?


Radak: It is as if uvi'Zvachecha (you did not honor Me via your Korbanos). The prefix Beis is omitted. There are many verses like this.


Malbim: Do not think that you honored Me via Shelamim - before you eat them, you put the Chelev on the Mizbe'ach.


What is the meaning of "Lo He'evadticha"?


Rashi: I did not impose great Avodah on you with Menachos. A mere Kometz goes to Hashem (and Kohanim eat the rest)! Also, I did not obligate [Menachos]; they are voluntary!


Radak: Had you served Me and toiled in My Avodah, [one could say that] I exerted you. Since you did not toil and serve Me, I did not exert you.


Why does it mention Levonah (frankincense)?


Radak: There was Levonah in the Ketores, and they did not offer it.


Malbim: Levonah is added to a Minchah. If I imposed Menachos on you, you could say that the addition wearied you. However, this is not true!

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