
What is "Chadashah"?


Radak: It is a new wonder - the gathering of exiles.


Why does it say "Atah Sitzmach"?


Radak #1: It says Atah, for it will come soon, if Yisrael will repent; the time already came, if they merit. In our sins, many years passed [and the redemption did not come - Sanhedrin 97b].


Radak #2: You can be assured of this as if you see it [sprout] now with your eyes.


Why does it say "ha'Lo Seda'uha"?


Radak: You know this salvation from before, for it is written in the Chumash - "v'Shav Hashem Elokecha Es Shevuscha v'Richamecha v'Shav v'Kibetzcha mi'Kol ha'Amim Asher Hefitzecha Hashem Elokecha Shamah" (Devarim 30:3). This does not apply to Galus Bavel, for they were not scattered among all nations! Also, only those in Bavel returned, but not the 10 tribes! Also, it says "Ki Sashuv El Hashem Elokecha b'Chol Levavecha uv'Chol Nafshecha" (ibid., 10). Those who returned from Bavel did not repent fully - some desecrated Shabbos, and some married Nochriyos.


Malbim: The miracles will be so great that you will not need to contemplate. You will know them, as if you see that it is Hashem's finger.


What is the meaning of "Af Asim"?


Radak, Malbim: I will do with you another great wonder that you do not know from the Torah - I will put rivers in the Midbar, like it says above "Kol Korei ba'Midbar


What is "Yeshimon"?


Radak: It is a desolate place, i.e. a Midbar. The root is Yishom, like "veha'Bamos Tishamnah" (Yechezkel 6:6).

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