
Why does it say "Ezkarcha me'Eretz Yarden v'Chermonim"?


Rashi: I remember what You did for us in the Yarden, and the mountains of Chermon 1 . After all that we angered You in Shitim (Zenus with Bnos Midyan and idolatry), You dried the Yarden (to enable us to pass through)!


Radak: You are lowly and astounded when I remind you that you used to come from Eretz Yarden, and from those who lived in Har Chermon, to the Beis ha'Mikdash.


Rashi does not explain what happened on Chermon. Refer to 42:7:2:3.


What is "me'Har Mitz'ar"?


Rashi: It is from Har Sinai, which is smaller than the other mountains. After we angered You with the Egel, You pardoned our sin and went with us. All this I remember in my exile, that You refrained from benefiting me, and Your new decrees come upon me day after day.


Radak: It mentions the ends of Eretz Yisrael from which they would ascend for the Regel. Har Chermon is in Ever ha'Yarden in the east. Har Mitz'ar is not found [in Tanach]. Perhaps it is in Ever ha'Yarden. Perhaps it is Tzi'or mentioned in Arei Yehudah (Yehoshua 15:54).


Malbim: A mountain of Chermon was divided into a big mountain and a small mountain. Most of the miracles at the time of the war of Eretz Kena'an were on the small mountain.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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