
Why does it say "Mi Iver Ki Im Avdi"?


Rashi: Not one of you [Nochrim] is blind, only My servant. Malbim - only My servant Yisrael, who has preparation to see, is blind.


Radak: You say about Navi Hashem, who is My servant, that he is blind?!


Why does it say "Cheresh k'Mal'achi Eshlach"?


Rashi: The deaf among you is [able to hear,] like My messenger that I send to prophesize.


Radak: The Navi that I send to you, you say 'who is blind and deaf like him?!' The matter is repeated in different words.


Malbim: Only a Navi, who has preparation to hear Devar Hashem, is deaf.


What is the question "Mi Iver ki'Meshulam"?


Rashi: One who was blind among you, he already received his affliction. He is like one who paid all his retribution, and he is clean.


Radak: My servant, the Navi, who is complete in sight of the heart, do you say 'who is blind like him?'!


Malbim: This explains why only Yisrael are called blind. They have preparation to see intellectual visions. (a) Natural preparation - perfection in his intellect, Midos and powers of the Nefesh from birth - "Mi Iver ki'Meshulam." (b) Preparation via actions - he prepares himself to attain this via Avodas Hashem and good deeds - "Mi Iver k'Eved Hashem."

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